Want to really feel content and organized today and even make a few dollars? Go immediately to your closet and check out all your clothes and stuff that fill shelves. How many of those pair of pants do you actually wear? When is the last time you put on that pair of shoes? How many tee shirts do you have? You probably have more clothes selections than you could wear in one month.

Ask yourself these three questions.
1. How long ago did I wear this?
2. Is it clean?
3. Do I know anyone who would love to have this?

Make three piles of clothes:
1. Clean clothes that you no longer wear
2. Clothes that have a few spots
3. Clothes that you value

Take your clothes that are in good shape and put them in a separate bag. Find a consignment shop in your city and take the clothes to them.
Take your worn out clothes and put them in another bag. Take those clothes and shoes and purses to your favorite charity store.

Take the remaining few clothes other than what you are going to keep and call a friend who has been coveting some of your outfits.
Get out the vacuum and give the closet the once over. Dust the shelves and spray with a pretty scent. You have accomplished a lot; cleaned your closet, given to charity, made a friend happy and perhaps earned a few dollars.

Now that you are ecstatically happy, try going through your entire house and get rid of all the things you no longer have use for or want. This activity is best done on a day you are feeling unemotional about your stuff. You will enjoy the feeling of having gotten rid of all that extra clutter.

Clean Out Your Closet and Simplify Your Life

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