We can say that the kitchen is the heart of the house. We cook, eat there (hopefully with family), entertain there, chat at the table, doing homework, and a number of other things related to the family. A cluttered kitchen deters us from doing this, we do not cook and eat will probably take place in front of the TV.
We do not entertain others or sit and chat because the clutter distracts us and makes us feel ashamed not to keep things in the best order. So go to it!

Please understand that this room can not be done in a time of one day or part. I'm willing to bet that takes more than a day for your kitchen to look the way they do, so it will take more than a day of non-doing. Be patient and attack these different tasks in small pieces of small time! You will find that each is made, you will be motivated to make another and another. And then, when all is done, you do not want to spoil, and thus be motivated to keep organized! Oh Happy Day!

Download your dishwasher. If your dishwasher is full of clean dishes, and did not keep, do not have a place to put the dirty dishes and clean. If you do not have a dishwasher, take a look at your sink. If you clean your dishes drainer, save now. Then move the support plate empty table and put in the basin of the sink. You'll see why as we go along.

Discover their offices. They are full of papers, dishes (dirty) and appliances (some not used in the last weeks or months)? They are colorful (in the case in them)? Let's clear one meter at a time. Choose smaller and clear everything away. Put it on a table or other surface where you can go through things. Put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher (or under your sink basin), go through the documents (= trash junk mail, bills go to the workshop, etc..) Put all the other things that you have found various
piled for schlepped to clean rooms where they belong. Then look at the bare counter. Take a cleanser of your choice (I love Lysol wipes, but you can use a spray cleaner a bleach cleaner or simple window cleaner) and a cloth and start wiping from front to back. Sweep the crumbs into the trash. Now, just put the things that are necessary ** on the counter. That means no excess paperwork no hairbows, etc. If you need more space for a coffee maker or other small device, now you have it!

Go to the next bar and repeat the same steps above.
So you survived the counters clean. Great! The next steps require an honest look at your kitchen and an honest assessment of your skills and commitment of culinary cooking. Not if you're going to cook, but how it will (or do) cook. Remember to use small steps!

If you have a dishwasher (or under your sink basin) and is now full of dirty dishes, it is now time for it to pass. Put the detergent and put the baby to "pots". More water is used, but if the dishes have been sitting for a while, you will need extra strength this cycle to get sparkling clean. You do not need to use the dryer cycle energy consumption and makes your dishes too hot to handle.

When the dishwasher, open the door and let the fresh food * briefly * before storage. This is the last step quickly into the empty dishwasher when the dishes are clean, he won a large part of the battle to keep your kitchen organized. If you have a bowl that is full of dishes, place the pan in the sink and start washing. It dries quickly and put the dishes away, then move the tub up under the sink in the collection plates in the future.

Check your kitchen appliances on (cabinets or above) meter. Do you have too many things that almost never used, but collect dust and kitchen grease? Take an honest assessment of what
you and when you last used the product (s). If you have not used for some time or may not be used in the near future, give, sell, give or take. Check out the cast iron skillet that was used but not in God-knows-what-time. Useful, yes. In your life?

Maybe not. Be honest and brutal. You will end up with kitchen appliances that you like and that is useful, not disorder.
Now look at your sink. How is it dirty? Take a good hunter of the steel wool and rub this bad boy! If you have a porcelain sink, do not use a steel wool pad, but do not use a mild abrasive.
If you do not have a cleaner on hand to do it, sprinkle a lot of baking soda in your sink and use a damp cloth. Rub the paste of baking soda (created with a cloth with water) in circles and once completed all the sink, rinse the rest down the drain.

Regardless of what type of well you have, once you have given a good wash, remove the filter and a dry cloth. Brilliant tap and inside the pool (if chromium). All dry and shine the sink! I challenge you to put a lot of dirty dishes in the same after that!
So now that you have cleaned the counters only equipment you need and love, and light sink. You're on your way! Remember: small steps to get the job done!

Check your cabinets. Are they clean? I'm not talking about inside (for now), but external. If you have dirt accumulated on them, have a cleaner and a cloth and rub. You'll be surprised
how different they are and how dirty it is this rag!
Now, let's talk about the face of your major appliances. Fingerprints are fingerprints, regardless of whether a lawyer color or chrome colored refrigerator. Take a little cleaner and 5 minutes on each device and Spray 'em down. Clean and do not forget the small crevices where they hide the crumbs. Remember, you are not from the inside out! Press the refrigerator, stove, dishwasher, and anything else that "fronts" in the kitchen were not mentioned.

Now take a look at your kitchen table and chairs. When was the last time you swallow? Is there any food that is stuck to the dubious origin or dates? This will probably take more than 15 minutes, but take a cloth and a bottle of cleanser. Spray the president of the lower levels of the base and the top. Let stand for 2 to 3 minutes and spray the next presidency. Back to the first and start rubbing with a cloth. You'll be surprised what comes out clean and gets the chair! Repeat each step until all chairs are made. Then spray the legs of the table. The same procedure spray, let stand, scrub and clean. Now their chairs and tables are clean enough to eat off!

Check your floor. Pathetic, huh? Start small to sweep with a broom and dustpan. Move things that are against the wall, but do not feel obliged to sweep the toothbrush. In other words, do not focus on the cracks do the best you can with a regular broom. Sweep for small batteries to facilitate the collection and transportation of dirt and crumbs in the trash. Now, take a broom. I do not care if it's a mop cloth, mop mop or a Swiffer ®. You do not have to clean your mother did, just wet the floor with a cleaner and clean the dirt. Remember, even the tasks are not done "right" (depending on how they learned), but they ** always bless your home and your family! Allow the soil and take a break.
For now, the kitchen surfaces are clean. A few more steps and you are in this room!

We will get down and dirty here in the sink! Most people keep products below as cleaning, some argue the trash, and other devices. No matter what's under your sink, in front of him! If it comes to cleaning products, look and see what you have used and not used and what is just dry and age. This step is not used, not used, or is old. Organize your closet in the way that suits you best, which is used over the front, which is used less often in the back.
If you do not have a dishwasher, do not forget to leave room for an empty bowl to collect the dirty dishes.
Organizing Your Home: The Kitchen

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