Some houses have a "great room" and no living room, others have "Family Room" and a lounge. No matter what you call it or how many of these items that the organization is required to be a cozy retreat for your family.
Walk into this room as a visitor would. Observe the small details that that has been overlooked in everyday life. You see the mess? Your guests do, too. To make this cozy room, we will reduce the number of * All * in this room and make it more welcoming.

What you see in terms of space? Magazines and newspapers all again? Toys? Shoes there? Start with several laundry baskets (Empty, please!) And put things that do not belong to this space baskets. The idea is to send things to different parts of the house these baskets and make your clutter much easier. Throw away from old newspapers and magazines. If you are not time to read, to get rid of them. Why are suspended around to make you feel guilty? Put toys in the basket will rooms for their owners. Shoes should be kept in the room where life of the user. Now that you've done that (and given the baskets in the appropriate places), go back and look at this room the visitor sees. The best? Otherwise, move in small steps and stages.

If you look at your furniture, do you think that fingerprints and dust deep Just write a ransom for? You see even the top of the furniture? If you can not answer the last question, do not worry before. Beware of the planar surfaces of the first call Act surfaces. This right is defined by the idea that the flat surfaces pick up the paper, regardless of the surface: tables, cabinets, tables or floors. If you start with clean flat surfaces, you'll be more likely to keep it free a little each day. Once its flat surfaces are clear again with a wax furniture (if applicable) or glass cleaner (if applicable). Run the vacuum without worrying get the edges and moving furniture, take the vacuum cleaner only places is easy. Chances are if you can not reach areas easy, no could deposit large amounts of land or tracks, again, whatsoever.

Can you watch TV through the dust and fingerprints? If not, give once more with the fabric and a glass cleaner. Even with the stereo cabinet.
Now look up. You see the cobwebs in the corners? Not a large company, take a cloth and knock 'em down. That's it! We responded to your living room and / or living room, congratulations!
Keep moving along, taking small steps each day. Soon your home they exude warmth and hospitality you want.

Organizing your home

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