When organizing your office, you have two options. Write a list of all the little things you need to do and work on a few minutes each day, or dive straight into the deep end and do everything at once.

If you're sick of all your office, box everything up as you move and set the boxes in another room. After unpacking a box at a time and to organize from the bottom up. Be sure to submit the documents as you go.

I love the "piecemeal" approach. My first step would be to have all the papers that are scattered around and put them in a box. You can have these now, or clean your office and its surroundings
more. I want to put the whole presentation together, all the books together, and then work on a lot at once.

If several people in your household receive mail, you can use acrylic racks mounted on the wall and just label them with the name of each person.
Who takes care of mail there.
A friend of mine keeps all your bills on the fridge with a magnet. When they come, they go straight to the fridge. In this way, you can not lose under piles of papers. I adopted this idea and saved me a huge headache. Now I have a lot of envelopes and bills there on my desk, waiting salary.

Decide what your office needs and designate a place for each item. If you make calls from this area, you need a phone, calendar, memo message and feathers.
You need a place for computer and accessories, plus a room for copy.

Establish the basics first, and then decide item by item you most want to place in your office. You have room for personal items?
Images can be placed on a bulletin board or wall hangings. This ability to focus and reach is affected by a messy desk, so that makes it a priority to keep decluttered.

Once you have set up the office and presented your documents, you can buy some folders or colored stickers and color code your files, it is easy to find what you are looking for.
If you only take 15 minutes every day to clean your office and the surrounding work area, find your home office in a much nicer place to work! And efficiency of its staff off too!
Organizing Your Home Office

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