Have you ever looked around your home feeling completely overwhelmed by clutter? Stacks of papers, half-full baskets of craft supplies, toys scattered across the floor - it's enough to make anyone want to escape rather than tackle it all! Believe me, I've been there. For a long time, I let stuff take over every room in my house until I felt stressed just being home.

That all changed last year when I decided my living space needed an overhaul. I was ready to reclaim my home and establish some order once and for all. It wasn't going to be easy, but I was determined to methodically declutter room by room. Over the past 12 months, I've learned so much about getting - and staying - clutter-free through trial and error. If you're ready to transform your space into a calm, clean oasis, here are some pro tips that worked for me:

The first step is always purging items you no longer need. Look around critically and honestly assess every single thing - when was the last time you used this? If the answer is longer than you'd like to admit, it's time to let it go. Donate unwanted clothes and toys, recycle paper clutter, and toss anything broken. Getting rid of excess frees up valuable surface space for what truly sparks joy.

Next, establish storage spots for everything you're keeping. Designate places like shelves for books, bins under the bed for seasonal items, hooks by the door for bags and coats. Seeing a clean, empty room is so motivating for keeping it that way. Group like items together and label containers so everyone knows what goes where. A home for everything prevents stray objects from taking over.

Routine cleaning is a must to avoid slipping back into bad habits. I aim for a quick daily tidying, putting shoes and mail in their places. Weekends allow deeper cleans like vacuuming, dusting and scrubbing down the bathroom. Set aside 15 minutes each day so big decluttering projects don't feel overwhelming. Consistency keeps clutter creep at bay.

Organizing tools make the job an absolute breeze. Under-the-sink organizers keep cleaning supplies within reach. Magazine files on the coffee table tidy reading material. Storage ottomans hide clutter while providing extra seating. Even pretty baskets, trays and bins help corral loose items in style. Function and form work hand in hand.

Enforce a "no stray stuff" rule in shared areas. Keep toys, papers and shoes confined to their designated rooms so common spaces stay welcoming. Out-of-sight spots store seasonal décor so high-traffic zones stay clutter-free. It will take consistency, but keeping to these boundaries makes daily tidying a cinch.

Decluttering is such a rewarding process. While it requires time upfront, you'll save so much mental energy not being stressed by mess. Now I can relax in clean, clear rooms knowing exactly where everything belongs. I hope some of these organizing techniques serve as inspiration for you too! Let me know if you have any other questions - I'm always happy to help decluttering homeowners.

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