Choosing and using cleaning products

Cast your eyes down the cleaning aisle at the supermarket lately? An explosion of new cleaning products has created a dizzying array of choices for a clean house.
Cut the confusion and save money by sticking to four basic cleaning products.

Together with a few specialty products, spray window cleaner, spray degreaser, tile and bathroom cleaner, and abrasive cleanser will handle everyday cleaning needs cheaply and well.
Window cleaner Don’t be misled by the name “window cleaner;” this spray-on product cleans windows and a whole lot more, evaporating quickly and leaving no residue behind.

Applied to glass or mirrors, it loosens surface dirt so you can remove it with a squeegee or cleaning cloth. Use on glass, mirrors, kitchen counters, sink fixtures, appliance fronts, refrigerator shelves, sealed cabinet fronts and any other liquid-safe surfaces with light, non-greasy soil.

Degreaser The tough guys of the cleaning world, these spray cleaners dissolve greasy soil so it can be lifted away and removed. Also known as “all-purpose cleaners,” they will cut food soil on kitchen counters, greasy fingermarks on walls, doors and switch plates, oily dust on baseboards and moldings, and hard-to-remove dirt on outdoor furniture. Polish surfaces with a dry cloth to remove the slight film they leave behind.

Tile and bathroom cleaner The bathroom poses multiple cleaning challenges—sticky film from body oils, soap, and shampoo; mold and mildew from moisture and condensation; yellow, chalky, hard-water residues on fixtures and fittings. Cut tough bathroom soil with a tile and bathroom cleaner: a potent, three-in-one product designed to fight soap film, mineral deposits, and mold and mildew.

A thick liquid, this cleaner requires standing time to sanitize surfaces, dissolve minerals, and cut greasy soil. Apply a thick coat using a squirt bottle. Allow it to stand for the time recommended on the product label, and then use a tile brush to scrub the product. Rinse thoroughly.

Abrasive cleanser Chemical-based cleaners—like window cleaner or degreasers—rely on chemical reactions to dissolve, lift, or loosen dirt. Sometimes, though, you need to add additional scrubbing power to deal with tough or dried-on dirt. Enter abrasive cleansers. These also contain small abrasive particles designed to enhance the scrubbing action. Like sandpaper, they use friction to remove hardened soil.

Abrasive cleansers are made in different strengths. Scouring powder is designed for most sinks; “soft scrub” cleansers feature smaller abrasive particles and are recommended for specialty finishes. Abrasive cleansers may be formulated with other cleaners, such as bleach, to fight stains; be sure to read labels and choose the appropriate variety for the job.
Because these products can be difficult to rinse clean, use them inside sinks, tubs, and toilets where rinsing is easier.

Specialty cleaners for special jobs

These special-use products are formulated for specific cleaning issues or specific surfaces. Be sure to read the labels and use as directed by the manufacturer.

▪ Gum, gunk, and goo remover. A petroleum-distillate product designed to remove the greasy residues left by chewing gum, oily gunk, or adhesives.

▪ Lime and scale remover. A highly corrosive solution to hard-water scale deposits.

▪ Rust removers. Designed to remove the rust stains in sinks, tubs, and toilets that can occur in areas where the water supply has a high iron content.

▪ Stainless steel cleaner or polish. Specialty products designed to clean, protect, and shine stainless-steel sinks, surfaces, pots, and pans.

cleaning products

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